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When we ask people, whether they prefer to live in the town or in the village, their answer will vary, most would prefer to stay in the town and the other prefers to stay in the village, or even they might like both. If the answer is the last, Ubud in Bali is one of the choice. Staying in Ubud is like staying in the town also in the the village. What the meaning of town in the village here is a village which has the same facilities as the town which is the main reason why people like to stay or even live in the town.
Ubud is a village located in the heart of Bali island has almost all the facilities that exist in the town such as shopping center, hotels, restaurant, entertainment venues, hospitals, etc. As a village, Ubud is very famous for its beautiful charm, such as rice field, beautiful garden, tropical rain forest, river etc. Beside the natural beauty, Ubud also very famous of its tradition and hospitality. Smiling is their sign of friendship, that is way we can see more smile here than other area.
People also come back to Ubud because they can feel the positive energy and it is good for meditation, healing yoga or retreat. Ubud has become the center of retreat in Bali. There are many places of yoga retreats around this area .
How to get here,
Being around the center, Ubud is mostly easy to reach from every where ; from Bali International Airport or Kuta the distance is about 38 KM, from Padang Bay ( harbor in the east ) is about 37 KM, from Gilimanuk (harbor in the west ) is about 130 KM.
Here are some suggetion of transport per car (max. 4 persons), all included ; car in good condition with AC, English speaking driver and petrol. It is one way transfer, but still possible to stop for a few minutes on the away. It is very simple and safe, no payment in advance, what We need is just reservation.
Transfer destinations Price per car
Ubud -- Airport .................................... IDR. 350.000,-
Ubud -- Kuta /Seminyak ...................... IDR. 350.000,-
Ubud -- Canggu .................................. IDR. 350.000,-
Ubud -- Benoa harbor ......................... IDR. 300.000,-
Ubud -- Sanur /Denpasar .................... IDR. 300.000,-
Ubud -- Nusadua /Jimbaran ................ IDR. 400.000,-
Ubud -- Uluwatu /Bingin ...................... IDR. 500.000,-
Ubud -- Padang Bay ............................ IDR. 350.000,-
Ubud -- Candidasa .............................. IDR. 400.000,-
Ubud -- Tirtaganga .............................. IDR. 500.000,-
Ubud -- Sidemen ................................. IDR. 350.000,-
Ubud -- Rendang ................................. IDR. 300.000,-
Ubud -- Amed /Tulamben .................... IDR. 550.000,-
Ubud -- Tejakula /Sambirenteng .......... IDR. 550.000,-
Ubud -- Lovina ..................................... IDR. 550.000,-
Ubud -- Seririt ...................................... IDR. 550.000,-
Ubud -- Pemuteran .............................. IDR. 700.000,-
Ubud -- Menjangan .............................. IDR. 700.000,-
Ubud -- Gilimanuk ................................ IDR. 800.000,-
Ubud -- Munduk ................................... IDR. 450.000,-
Ubud -- Bedugul ................................... IDR. 400.000,-
Ubud -- other area (2 ways calculated). IDR. 100.000,- per hour
Please note ! Google navigation always faster than the real time.